Monday, August 11, 2014

In Closing

We're all at home now.  If you haven't received your son yet, you can start to worry (except the Reeses from what I understand).  Some random pictures I haven't posted:

 I'd like to close the cycle of the trip for everyone with this post; meaning, just as we began the trip with goals and expectations in mind, we've reevaluated the trip and now see God in a light that deserves some consideration.  I asked everyone on the team to write for me a "growing point" from the trip, however they would define that.  I did not hear from everyone, but these are the responses I did get back, left anonymous (so as to not humiliate the guys who didn't give me anything inspirational to say)

"One of my favorite moments of the trip was the last day of the soccer clinic.  We really broke through to the kids as they came out of their shells somewhat.  We had a great worship time and they were singing they were [singing] the songs such as 'joy down in my heart' the rest of the day.  In Spanish of course 'Yo tengo gozo, gozo, gozo, gozo en mi corazon...' A great growing point for me as well as not only being able to give the kids and beneficiary families food and clothes, but also being able to really show them what the Lord is all about through the joy and happiness that we displayed"

"Pushing myself past my comfort zone by continuing to challenge myself in everything I do.  Knowing that I can take a leap of faith doing things that are out of my comfort zone because God has a plan for me.  Also, remembering to have fun and enjoy the moment
P.S. If you are in Ecuador and are wearing soccer socks, don't forget to put sun tan lotion of the back of your knees..."

"Growing point for me was in the beginning of the week, [hearing] from Mr. Phillips when he talked about how CHF would go to God in prayer before going anywhere or making decisions.  It hit me that I don't go to God and rely on Him as much as I should.  Even the little things and God wants to hear our prayers and take our burdens, I just have to ask."

"What impacted me the most was seeing how much of an impact a group of college boys can leave on so many different people.  Throughout the week, I kept hearing testimony after testimony of the lives we touched.  We were only there for 1 week!  For one Ecuadorian, she said she had the best week of her life.  Another was astonished by our energy and enthusiasm,  And another was reminded why he serves the God he does.  I had forgotten how much of an impact Christ can leave, if we let Him lead."

"Being that this trip to Ecuador was my first time out of the country, I learned a lot.  I learned a lot about Ecuadorian culture, people, and landscape.  I also learned a lot about missions.  With my personality, I like seeing tangible results to work being done.  During this trip that happened occasionally and helped me to see God at work.  However, I learned that sometimes even if results aren't seen, God is still at work.  I struggled with feelings of insignificance that tied to selfish motives and thoughts.  I didn't think I was doing enough to make an impact because I didn't see results.  However God pointed out to me that I needed to trust that He was working, despite the unseen.  Through this I also learned that God is at work even though our struggles and sins.  He worked in amazing ways this week through me and the team.  Quito and the people I met in Ecuador will always have a special place in my heart."

"Focus on God through short term missions -It is easy to think that we, with our American Dream ideals, can accomplish anything. On this trip we were a part of some awesome activities and experiences, but it wasn't because of us. Yes we prepared and prayed for this trip, but we didn't control it...God did. He was the one who orchestrated the relationships with La Fuente, Pan Da Vida, and Cumbra Alta. He used our open hearts and minds to create good.
-I think of how on Wednesday night, we had the exact amount of food to give out to the over two hundred people. That isn't an accident...that's how God works. This is just one of the many times God showed me that He was in control.
-Returning home, I hope that we don't forget that we are merely vessels in God's hands...that we can do nothing without Him. He deserves the glory and praise. We had and have the opportunity to give Him that glory through our lives.
-I give him thanks for the impact we were able to have on the Ecuadorians and how God used this trip to draw our team together."

"It's difficult to pick out one thing I've learned this week. God is certainly at work in Quito and it was a blessing to be a part of it for these short seven days. Seeing Him work and open doors for the team and various ministries was encouraging. It is truly humbling and amazing to know that the God of the universe chose me and the rest of the team to do His work. He didn't need us by any stretch of the imagination, but He chose to use us and reveal Himself and His love to us and through us. Because of this all the glory goes to God and I cannot claim any of the work as my own. I believe the whole team feels this way. Without Him, our efforts would be futile. Thank you Jesus! God willing, I'd like to return to Quito and reconnect with the people I have served with and have come in contact with. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers for this trip and the team."

"I was and am still struck by God's utilization of groups of people.  Our team was not all Believers going in, and yet it was our remarkably loving attitude towards each other that those viewing us most often commented on as impacting their lives.  To think that the Church is just an amplified version of this communal love gives me more motivation to be involved in it, loving it, and showcasing the best of it.  Regardless of the people I interact with, I now realize the importance of vulnerability like never before; that letting people into my life is life-altering for me, those working with me, and those who witness me from a distance.  Ecuador was also an important training ground for my prayer life.  God finds ways to reward the man who prays often.  Whether that is in answering exact prayers or turning our lives and/or personalities into what we hoped we'd become, God fully understands what we need and want, and very often meets both."

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